Paper Contributions
For every contribution authors are asked to submit a paper that respects the paper guidelines. Use of the official JACoW templates is mandatory – always download the most recent template (Word, LaTeX or OpenDocument) before starting to write a paper, regardless of your experience or past submissions to JACoW conferences. Do NOT reuse the source file from a previous paper to avoid use of possibly old template parts.
The deadline for the submission of paper contributions to the proceedings is:
Wednesday 3rd September 2025 23:59 (BST)
Access the latest JACoW template files through the links below:
Microsoft Word: Microsoft Word Template.
LaTeX: LaTeX Template
Open Document: OpenDocument Template
Please check the guidelines for paper preparation.
Before Submission
General Information
Use of the JACoW templates is mandatory for IBIC’25. Always download the latest template files before starting, even if you have them from previous conferences. Always use the styles contained in the templates. These styles will automatically ensure correct typesetting and layout, preventing the need for corrections.
Length of Contributions
Papers for invited/contributed oral presentations may be up to 5 pages long. Papers for poster presentations may be up to 3 pages long. If contributions contain numerous references, these may be included on an additional page. Only references are allowed on this extra page; no other parts of the paper are permitted. Page limits will be strictly enforced. Any papers exceeding their limit will be returned to the author for revision or, ultimately, rejected.
Basic Hints and Tools
Detailed instructions on how to write a good JACoW paper are included in the JACoW template. We also suggest reading through the following pages or using the linked tools to ensure the acceptable quality of your papers.
Naming of Files
Only files named according to the paper’s programme code can be uploaded. Example for paper code MOPA888, the paper contains two figures, the file names should be:
- MOPA888.tex (or .docx, .odt, etc) corresponding to the source file and are to be selected in the “Source File” upload box
- MOPA888.pdf, selected in the “PDF” upload box
- MOPA888_f1.eps (or .png, .tif, .jpg, .pdf …) corresponding to figure 1. Figures and other supporting files are to be selected in the “Other Supporting Files” upload box
- MOPA888_f2.eps (or .png, .tif, .jpg, .pdf …) corresponding to figure 2. Figures and other supporting files are to be selected in the “Other Supporting Files” upload box
We have observed that fixing bad references in submitted papers is the most time consuming job for editors in the Proceedings Office.
Basic rules for references:
- All bibliographical and web references should be disced and listed at the end of the paper in a section called “References.”
- When citing a reference in the text, place the corresponding reference disc in square brackets, e.g. [3].
- A URL may be included as part of a reference, but the hyperlink must be removed (In Word use ctrl+k to remove).
Citations of JACoW publications:
To get citations of JACoW publications correctly formatted use the JACoW reference search tool. Use this tool for all JACoW conference related citations, included those to papers presented to IBIC’25.
Citations of non–JACoW publications:
It is crucial that all bibliographical references are written clearly and consistently across all the conference proceedings. Always use the EXACT formatting of references and citations in the templates.
More examples and details can be found in the Annex B of the full template or on the JACoW website.
Basic Accelerator Conference Citation Formatting:
Presented at IBIC’25, “this conference”
[1] A. Author, et al., “Paper title”, presented at the 14th International Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC’25), Liverpool, UK, Sep. 2025 paper XXXXXX, this conference.
Note: “et al.” should be used for 4 or more authors.
Unpublished proceedings papers (e.g. IPAC’25)
[1] A. Author, B. Author and C. Author, “Paper title”, presented at the 16th International Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC’25), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2025, paper XXXXXX.
Published papers (e.g. IPAC’24)
[1] A. Author and B. Author, “Paper title”, in Proc. 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC’24), Nashville, USA, May 2024, pp. nnn-nnn. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-XXXXXX
Where XXXXXX denotes the paper ID, e.g. MOPWA888
Paper Title / Authorship Verification
- Confirm that the title in Indico matches your paper. Update Indico if necessary. Note: The paper title should be in all uppercase letters, while the Indico title should be in sentence case.
- Ensure the author list in your paper matches your Indico contribution. If not, update your contribution to include all authors and co-authors. Only the main (first) author should be listed under “authors” in Indico; all other authors should be listed under “co-authors.” Verify that the selected speaker corresponds to the actual presenter at the conference. This information will be used for the table of contents and author index of the proceedings. Failure to include all co-authors may result in their omission from the author index.
JACoW tools for Checking Your Paper
- Before submitting Word and Latex documents, use JACoW’s Cat Scan Editor for instant feedback on common formatting issues. This tool allows you to correct your paper before uploading it to Indico, speeding up the editing process and reducing time-to-publication.
To ensure JACoW citations are correctly formatted, use the provided citation tool for all conference-related references, including papers submitted to IBIC’25.
Paper Submission
Paper submission will be closed on Wednesday, 03 September, 2025 23:59 BST
Login IBIC 2025
IBIC 2025 Indico system
Identify a Presenter (Speaker)
- For oral presentations, the `Speaker’ will deliver the paper during an oral session.
- For poster presentations, the ‘Speaker’ must present the poster in a poster session.
Verify Filename and Files
Most authors can generate PDFs, but varying standards often render them unsuitable for JACoW proceedings. Therefore, we don’t accept submissions that are PDF-only. Contributions lacking a source file (.tex, .docx, or .odt) are incomplete and cannot be processed by the editorial team. Once the contribution is prepared using the JACoW template and adheres to the IPAC’25 Paper Preparation Guidelines, authors should submit all necessary files:
- Source File: Properly formatted MS Word, LaTeX, or OpenDocument.
- PDF File: Generated from the source file with embedded fonts.
- Figure Files: All figures in their original format (.jpg, .gif, .tif, .png, .eps, .pdf, etc.). Ensure image quality matches that in the source file, especially for colour images, with readable text.
Only files named according to the paper’s programme code can be uploaded. Example for paper code MOPA888, the paper contains two figures, the file names should be:
- MOPA888.tex (or .docx, .odt, etc) corresponding to the source file and are to be selected in the “Source File” upload box
- MOPA888.pdf, selected in the “PDF” upload box
- MOPA888_f1.eps (or .png, .tif, .jpg, .pdf …) corresponding to figure 1. Figures and other supporting files are to be selected in the “Other Supporting Files” upload box
- MOPA888_f2.eps (or .png, .tif, .jpg, .pdf …) corresponding to figure 2. Figures and other supporting files are to be selected in the “Other Supporting Files” upload box
Uploading via Indico
Depending on your contribution type, prepare the following files for submission:
- Poster contributions: Submit only the Paper file; ignore the “Slides” option.
- Oral contributions: Submit both Paper and Slides (view slide preparation instructions here).
To submit your files:
- Log in to the IBIC 2025 Indico system and go to “My Contributions” using the left-hand menu.
- Open the relevant contribution and scroll to the bottom.
- Click “Submit files” and select your file type (refer to the figure below).
- After selecting the appropriate button, a window will appear. You can drag and drop files into the designated areas or click the “+” sign to browse your computer for files.
Ensure all filenames adhere to the paper’s program code to activate the “Submit” button.

For managing paper submissions in Indico, refer to the official JACoW-IPAC documentation. For further assistance, contact the IBIC 2025 Editor-in-Chief.
After Submission
The papers will be processed by the editorial team starting during the week before the conference. Authors will receive an e-mail about the processing status.
Alternatively authors should check the status board (green=accepted, yellow=request of proof-reading, red=problem).
Withdraw a Paper
Authors can independently withdraw abstracts until acceptance into the program. If you need to withdraw your contribution thereafter, please contact the IBIC 2025 Editor-in-Chief specifying your abstract title and ID.