
Data collection and reporting 

To understand the diversity of the delegates attending IBIC 2025, both online and in person, we are asking delegates to complete some demographic information when registering. Providing this personal data is voluntary and all personal data will be kept stickly confidential. The data will be used to help the conference organisers determine if we are meeting our diversity goals and identify where we may need to focus attention for future conferences and events. This data will only be used for generating conference statistics and will be optional to provide. The overall statistics will be made publicly available on our website after the conference. 

Non-discrimination policy and anti-harassment policy 

It is the policy of the IBIC 2025 conference that all participants will enjoy an environment which encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas, and is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. In the event of an incident of bullying or harassment, the local and international organisation committee chairs will consult with anyone who has been subjected to harassment and will suggest ways of redressing any problems. They will also identify an advisor who will counsel those accused of harassment. The conference organisers may, after due consideration, take such action they deem appropriate, including warning or expulsion from the conference without refund. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact [email protected] or a member of the organising committee. 

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments, sexual images visible in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, harassing photography, or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. 

Exhibitors in the industrial exhibition are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. 

Participants are expected to follow these rules through the entire conference, including every event of the scientific program, on the online platform, and at the conference social events.